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標題: 賺夠了就跑,交易不是終身俸! [打印本頁]

作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-4-25 12:47
標題: 賺夠了就跑,交易不是終身俸!
I can't imagine anyone trading their own money not pulling back the risk significantly or giving up trading all together once they've reached their "number". There is so much more to life than wasting it in front of computer screens looking at numbers. Trading your own money isn't boring, regardless of what you hear on ET. Ask anyone who has earned their entire net worth from trading risking their own capital and get back to me. It's super stressful. Sooner or later, you start compromising your health for extra PnL that has no marginal utility. There is a thin line between passion or love and an addiction.

IMO, trading shouldn't be a life long choice, not even a career to be honest. You should make as much as you can as fast as you can, before your alpha disappears or health gets compromised. Just my 2 cents.

資料來源: elitetrader.com

作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-4-25 12:50

You'd think so, but the evidence is to the contrary. Seems like most successful managers/PMs/traders I've seen keep doing it until they run out of alpha. It's possible that the "number "is a moving target, of course (I've moved mine a few times in different directions). I have a 92-year old friend who is still passionate about the markets and investing and he's been doing it for like 70 years.

PS. Just realized that you specifically talking about trading your own money. Why do you think that's different from punting OPM(別人的錢)?

資料來源: sle,elitetrader.com
作者: OPapprentice    時間: 2017-4-27 14:30
我也希望在開始老年癡呆之前可以每天在火車鐵軌上撿點銅板(差點打成銅版)當零花錢. 所以上山下海拜師學藝四處請教高人, 以期訓練矯健身手, 萬一不小心火車迎面來時有能力即時閃躲或甚至翻身上車搶劫!  

說真的, 交易如果不涉及賭命, 小賭還是怡情啊!
作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-4-27 15:00
OPapprentice 發表於 2017-4-27 14:30
我也希望在開始老年癡呆之前可以每天在火車鐵軌上撿點銅板(差點打成銅版)當零花錢. 所以上山下海拜師學藝四 ...

作者: William    時間: 2017-4-27 17:41
作者: William    時間: 2017-4-27 17:45
作者: William    時間: 2017-4-27 17:52
作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-4-27 19:22
William 發表於 2017-4-27 17:52
我的意思是,依我的財富,若小賭不足以養家活口,但是我不選擇豪賭,理由如上述外,我要別人的孳息,別人要 ...


作者: 王文忠    時間: 2017-8-3 11:37

作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-8-3 11:42
本帖最後由 sec2100 於 2017-8-3 11:44 編輯
王文忠 發表於 2017-8-3 11:37
我覺得選擇權操作對我而言是一份工作,這份工作一樣需要耐心、技藝、專注、本錢、和經驗。所以,和其他工作 ...




作者: sec2100    時間: 2017-8-3 11:46

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