本論壇每位會員都請自由提問,六祖慧能叫大家要「不輕後學」。在股票及選擇權投資上,贏家往往不多,且贏家不見得不樂於分享。美國有一句話說: good traders trade,我更覺得good traders trade and share更是功得無量。尚且,選擇權操作這一塊不會因為你分享而影響你的優勢,反而會因為你不分享而喪失了可以思辯對話的空間。透過分享你的心得和發現,你會發現這些紀錄下來的努力,日後都會反應在績效的提升上。但要注意分享的過程中心存善念,對自己的部位,對績效的表達,對商品的描述,儘量要求真實,更不能有誤導他人的動機。
Perhaps you should ask yourself why any successful business person would EVER sacrifice their time and resources to help others. They do it every day, so there must be a reason.
It's because some things in life are worth more than money. And I can assure you that helping others along their journeys by sharing your own successes and failures is one of those things. And you want to know why that is? It's because helping others gives you something back that money in itself cannot. And that's joy. It's a powerful feeling and anybody who's truly experienced it wants more of it.
And any super-successful person isn't naive enough to believe that he achieved his success all on his own. He knows deep inside that he had some help from other people along the way in a variety of ways. So it's only natural to express thanks by turning the table and helping others who haven't achieved a similar level of success yet.