本帖最後由 sec2100 於 2017-4-16 15:28 編輯"The hardest part about successfully trading options is being willing to put in the days and weeks and months and years of discipline required. Many trade options attempting to chase the dream of “quick riches” and for some that does happen. However, for the most part, good traders spend most of their walking hours dreaming of the big “payday” yet knowing the realities of what could happen if they don’t do the hard mental work of remaining disciplined.
Baseball has a saying that, “the ball will always find you.” It’s uncanny but it seems the minute a player is out of position or not physically 100%, the ball seems to be hit to him! This parallel can and does apply to options trading as well. The biggest—sometimes catastrophic—losses occur when the trade lets his guard down with regards to position and trading discipline. You may get away with being overly “short options units” for months—perhaps years. However, one day you will experience a market event that could very well wipe away all the meager gains you achieved with your undisciplined approach."
Managing Expectations, Anthony Saliba 2016
拜讀了版主推薦的這許多前行者的諄諄教誨, 說得無不是紀律二字.後學者們在上山下海四處拜師學習OP各種劍法之前, 都應當把紀律兩個字刻在額頭後背, 行住坐臥不能或忘, 以期不辱賣方這個專業身分.頓首再拜! 感謝op。有了紀律後,不保證賺錢。沒有紀律,一時之間,也不保證一定虧錢,甚至可以賺不少錢。但只要沒有紀律的賣方一直玩下去,「棒球還是會找到他」。 冒昧進一步請教, 是只有單邊賣方算裸賣還是沒有架構價差的單純雙S也是呢? 本帖最後由 sec2100 於 2017-4-17 22:00 編輯
sec2100 發表於 2017-4-17 13:16
感謝op。有了紀律後,不保證賺錢。沒有紀律,一時之間,也不保證一定虧錢,甚至可以賺不少錢。但只要沒有紀 ...
saliba的錄音專訪 OPapprentice 發表於 2017-4-17 16:38
冒昧進一步請教, 是只有單邊賣方算裸賣還是沒有架構價差的單純雙S也是呢?