sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 11:28:59


Most trading, except those that have an arb strategies, are trying to predict the future based on the the past and present data sets of information. Then you are making assumptions that what happened in the past, will repeat that pattern over the same time period that happened before. The problem is that the future is unpredictable. You can't be right all the time and the past does not repeat in the same way all the time. You need to find a process to use the past to be right more than wrong and manage your risk, to be around to be right again. That requires good information, a good process to use that data, discipline and enough money to be wrong. Too many trader do not have enough of each to make it.

sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 12:55:58


The first reason is because there is a finite amount of money. You can't create money in the market, it has to come from someone else's pocket (unless you are investing in cooperate retained earnings).

Then you have to think how the market evolves. The smart people will make money and grow while the not as smart people will die out. So you are trading in a place that is dominated by the smartest people/computers.

Lastly, from reading alot of comments on this site, people are trying to ski with a snowboard. Of course that will be hard! You should not trade in an enviornment/ a strategy where you do not have the right tools. So many people want to become day traders using tools/ideas from the 1970's. Imagine doing the electrical work in a house with a screw driver vs a plug in drill vs a cordless 18 brush Milwaukee. The guy using the screw driver will be like "damn this is hard" while the guy using the cordless 18 brush Milwaukee will be working on the second home and most likely his second (much better looking) wife.

Ps. Emotions are so last century, I think that is the least of a modern traders problems

sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 13:01:04


Positive mindset comes from positive expectancy . Most people think their problems are emotions , losing is emotional no doubt . But i think most peoples issues come from a lack of an emperically proven rules based edge that is repeatable . You probably dont need Mark Douglas , most likely you need some sort of quantitative , systematic training . Maths

Every trader new or old should read
Thinking, Fast and Slow — By Daniel Kahneman
You need to have an idea of what to do before it happens , thinking logically in the moment is difficult . All important decisions should not be made under stress . Know what you will do under a set of circumstances before it happens , be a machine with no prejudice or biases . Fear and anger have no place in trading

sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 13:03:49


I doubt anyone gets there easy (I know a few professional musicians). It's the "swan effect" - while it looks like the swan is gliding effortlessly, his legs are paddling frantically under the surface.

Trading is hard because you are making predictions. That's hard enough.

Trading is hard because you are predicting how the crowd is going to react to the future, which is even harder.

Trading is hard because, unlike investing, it's naturally adversarial. You are competing with a bunch of other players that are all trying hard to separate you and your dollars.

Trading is hard because even if you have a statistical edge, the path dependency might knock you out.

What did I miss?

sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 13:05:58


Absolutely that's why it is so hard. When I suggest that Random Walk is still the best description of price movement, even with it's well known flaws, people get pissy. I do concede that there is just enough non-randomness in markets that it might be possible to exploit with TA methods. However, as PistolPete has pointed out, you should empirically prove your approach results in a positive expectancy method before committing too much of your life or your hard earned money. Prove it to yourself, not me or this board.

sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 13:08:06


Meditate on this nugget of Zen brilliance from one of the real masters.

"A losing trader can do little to transform himself into a winning trader. A losing trader is not going to want to transform himself. That's the kind of thing winning traders do."
Ed Seykota

sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 13:10:08


I always found the emotional aspect the hardest, especially if you are risking your own hard earned capital. Too much complacency in the good times and too much fear in the bad times can wreck some havoc in the best of us and that’s in isolation from social or family pressure. Add those in and you virtually have to become a robot.

sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 13:11:34


I believe trading is hard for the following reasons:

1. Because the lack of time the trader may have to study the charts and find a profitable strategy over X amount of trades. Assuming everyone works a full time job, it will take a very long time study charts and test different ways to make money.

2. Trying too many different trading methods and getting confused.

3. Trading real money with out any proof of making money in demo.

sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 13:13:32


by sle

For sure. Also, I think a lot of people underestimate how much patience and self confidence is required for this job. Even if you have a strategy with a long-term Sharpe of 2, it's hard to distinguish it from noise on a day to day basis.

sec2100 發表於 2018-11-3 13:24:34


Most people don't have enough capital, or current income to support the fight

There is no real place to practice, you are competing against some sophisticated MotherF*****

You have no edge, or have not taken the time to develop a real edge

you are not patient enough to execute the edge even if you have one

It takes many many years of study to get really good, people don't have the patience to take the time to learn

People are lazy
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