我會開始持續關注這家公司,如有買進,一定會跟各位分享。https://www.marketwatch.com/story/5-things-to-know-about-chinese-starbucks-competitor-luckin-coffee-ahead-of-its-ipo-2019-05-01 Luckin is an emerging growth company with $125.3 million in revenue for the year ending Dec. 31, 2018. Its net loss for the year came to $241.3 million. It is the second largest coffee chain in China, says the prospectus, citing data from consulting firm Frost & Sullivan. “China’s coffee market is highly underpenetrated,” the company says in its prospectus. “Inconsistent quality, high prices, and inconvenience have hampered the growth of the freshly-brewed coffee market in China. We believe that our model has successfully driven the mass market coffee consumption in China by addressing these pain points.” 投資中國公司有其風險,我還是必須提醒一下。 對,想問如何投資美股? William 發表於 2019-5-30 20:42
在盈透證券開個戶,手續費很低,進出方便,且可搭配現股和個股選擇權操作,看空的話可以直接買uvxy二倍型做多VIX指數期貨,別人恐慌,你有孔方。 sec2100 發表於 2019-5-30 20:52
在盈透證券開個戶,手續費很低,進出方便,且可搭配現股和個股選擇權操作,看空的話可以直接買uvxy二倍型 ...