sec2100 發表於 2020-9-20 10:25:24

牛頓也怕錯過了什麼(Fear Of Missing Out)

However, after he exited, South Sea stock experienced one of the most legendary rises in history. As the bubble kept inflating, Newton allowed his emotions to overtake his previous logic and he jumped back into the shares. Unfortunately, it was near the peak.

sec2100 發表於 2020-9-20 10:30:10


sec2100 發表於 2020-9-20 10:32:07

Newton allegedly said that he could “calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.”

sec2100 發表於 2020-9-20 10:40:23

It is not hard to see the similarities between today and the previous market bubbles in history. Investors are currently chasing “new technology” stocks from Zoom to Tesla, piling into speculative call options, and piling into leverage. What could possibly go wrong?

sec2100 發表於 2020-9-20 11:06:21

本帖最後由 sec2100 於 2020-9-20 11:08 編輯

The Speculative Cycle
Charles Kindleberger suggested that speculative manias typically commence with a “displacement” which excites speculative interest. The displacement may come from either an entirely new object of investment (IPO) or from increased profitability of established investments.

The speculation is then reinforced by a “positive feedback” loop from rising prices. which ultimately induces “inexperienced investors” to enter the market. As the positive feedback loop continues, and the “euphoria” increases, retail investors then begin to “leverage” their risk in the market as “rationality” weakens.

The full cycle is shown below.

sec2100 發表於 2020-9-20 11:11:15

Like all bubbles, it ends when the money runs out.” – Andy Kessler
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