sec2100 發表於 2017-5-18 13:11:05


sec2100 發表於 2017-5-18 13:14:24

很多當沖客轉行變swing trader,但mental game仍重要!

Many swing traders emerged from day trading. I switched because I simply make a lot more $ as a swing although I put on a pure day trade every so often when the setup is right. A good swing trader has to be a good day trader to even get a trade off the ground since most of us don't take losers overnight. Us swing traders of futures & Fx are handling multiple positions (domestic & foreign) traded around the clock - often with a lot more capital to manage (many day traders lack the capital for going overnight). A seasoned winning trader of any discipline (DOM/arb/spread/options/trend/day/etc) has to have a great mental game. Most of your market wizards are swing traders - and they wrote the book on the mental game.


OPapprentice 發表於 2017-5-18 13:58:01

正因如此, 像這款標題就只能是傳奇...


sec2100 發表於 2017-5-18 16:02:12

OPapprentice 發表於 2017-5-18 13:58
正因如此, 像這款標題就只能是傳奇...

一位日本人在家裡當沖交易,十年賺美金一億五仟萬 ...

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