Tons of threads on books here, and tons of books out there.
Look at it like a business, and get feet wet with a tiny bit of money. Some days you will lose, some days you will win. But at least you will learn yourself which a book cannot learn you.
Books may mess up your head if you are trying it with pure TA(技術分析). Toss some FA(基本分析) in there and you have a healthy cauldron of thinking brewing. Figuring it out on your own might be the best way to start.
I didn't read any books before I got into it, and have had successes and failures. If I had started a bit smaller I would be in a better position than I am in now. Lesson learned.
But very well learned. No book could ever prepare me for the real deal. The real deal did. So start small and learn the market, and learn yourself.
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