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標題: 學者研究: 新手做當沖,成功率不到1% [打印本頁]
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-9-12 12:40
標題: 學者研究: 新手做當沖,成功率不到1%
AbstractWe show that it is virtually impossible for an individual to day trade for a living, contrary to what course providers claim. We observe all individuals who began to day trade between 2013 and 2015 in the Brazilian equity futures market, the third in terms of volume in the world, and persisted for at least 300 days: 97% of them lost money, only 0.4% earned more than a bank teller (US$54 per day), and the top individual earned only US$310 per day with great risk (a standard deviation of US$2,560). Additionally, we find no evidence of learning by day trading.
Keywords: day trade, day trading for a living, retail investors, HFT, course providers, futures market
JEL Classification: D14; G02
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-9-12 13:04
本帖最後由 sec2100 於 2019-9-12 13:31 編輯
相關討論在下面的連結: 有一些不錯的評論,我會往下貼出來。
https://www.elitetrader.com/et/t ... -impossible.335869/
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-9-12 13:25
The research/study seemed quite rigorous to me. It is much better, in my non professional opinion, than the Taiwan study. Those of you who said they only studied new day traders obviously did not read the paper. They studied the outcome of those who persisted and traded > 1 year. There were no improvements.
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-9-12 13:31
This is not what they're arguing. No one is arguing about "it takes a long time to learn a hard skill and trading is a hard skill".
What they are arguing, effectively, is that as a new day trader the barrier to entry is so high it effectively is impossible to do properly from what they defined as starting from a stand-still. You can attribute this to a number of things - leverage being the key in my mind. Unlike your examples trading has a major barrier to entry: you need to build the capital up to do it and when you blow out you have to decide to either build it up again or quit - most people quit. They are not arguing about perseverance they are arguing the leveraged instruments do not give a new day trader a fighting chance. An equivalency to your example would be if an Electrician was kicked out of the program for any failure at ANY time in their learning, and had to start all over from the beginning (including re-paying for tuition!)
You can even look to stories of yore from Reminiscences of a Stock Operator to see that this is true there. Jesse Livermore detonated more than enough million dollar accounts before learning anything, and at the end was broke.
Again, they are NOT arguing the SKILL is unlearnable. They are arguing the practicality of LEARNING the skill given the barrier to entry and beginning with no skill is probabilistically virtually impossible. People are attaching far too much of their own experience to this study. Its ridiculous how offended people are at literal science being done on the problem that we all know is true - brokers in general are just commission farms.
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-9-12 13:37
本帖最後由 sec2100 於 2019-9-12 13:42 編輯
I tracked down a description of a slightly more optimistic study on Brett Steenbarger's TraderFeed site. This study found that a small number of daytraders "are able to outperform consistently".
Steenbarger's article is pasted below and can be found at
http://traderfeed.blogspot.com/2 ... aders-actually.html
What Proportion of Daytraders Actually Makes Money?
I strongly recommend reading the research study of speculator skill from Barber, Lee, Liu, and Odean. They studied the returns of daytraders over a 15-year period, the largest sample I am aware of in such a study. Their study is also unique in that it looks at the ability of traders to make money in a second year after having made money in the first.
The authors conclude that "there is clear performance persistence." The very top traders who make money net of fees tend to continue to make money going forward. The traders who lose money tend to continue losing money.
Here is the most important conclusion, however:
"In the average year, 360,000 individuals engage in day trading. While about 13% earn profits net of fees in the typical year, the results of our analysis suggest that less than 1% of day traders (less than 1,000 out of 360,000) are able to outperform consistently." (p. 15).
In other words, 87% of day traders in a given year lose money after fees are taken into account. About .28%--one in 360--is able to make money after fees year over year.
To be sure, that small group of very successful day traders earns a significant return. After expenses, they average +28 bps per day. Compare that to the 350,000 out of 360,000 daytraders who average a daily loss of 5.7 bps per day after expenses.
The authors conclude that day trading skill genuinely exists. They also conclude that it is very, very rare.
Further Reading: Can Day Traders Be Successful?
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-9-12 14:59
What is telling about day trading is the following:
After all these years, there are exactly two rigorous studies on day trading, one from Taiwan the other from Brazil. The US, where financial markets are supposed to be the most transparent, data are most complete and available, has none? When I first learned to day trade I ask Schwab to see if there were studies, either internal or external on day trading, got a blank stare. Why is it so difficult to study when data are available? Could it be all brokerages are afraid to let the cat out of the bag?
On ET, most who spoke out against the paper claimed to be successful day traders making a nice living day trading and I don't have reasons to doubt you. I am just telling you I couldn't and gave up, went swing, later swing options and never look back.
My hat off to those who are able to make a living day trading.
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-9-12 15:13
https://faculty.haas.berkeley.ed ... arning%20110217.pdf
作者: peter5168 時間: 2019-9-12 17:07
前提是要有一套期望值為正的系統 + 不貪的心態 + 紀律。
這不禁又讓我想到這句==>>> Plan Your Trade and Trade Your Plan. ^_^
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-9-12 19:24
作者: 半杯水 時間: 2019-10-11 23:14
大家一起沉到水裡,所有的人都憋死了,他還能悠悠哉哉的再等上一時半刻,才緩緩浮出水面吸口氣。這就是本多終勝的觀念。缺點是,很慢,非常慢,實在有夠慢! 優點是,穩贏,贏很大,而且部位越大越好操作。
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-10-12 09:06
半杯水,您目前主要的交易策略和標的為何? 要知道這個,看您的這篇大作才比較好對標。
作者: 半杯水 時間: 2019-10-12 10:49
本帖最後由 半杯水 於 2019-10-12 19:05 編輯
如果有個賭徒,只押單號,從 $1 開始押,賠率 1 倍,贏了就從 $1 開始,輸了就加一倍注來押,假設沒有賭金上限,賭徒也沒有資產極限,那常久下來,賭徒一定會是賺錢的。
但現實情況是,沒有人真的有無上限的資產可以這樣,那假如他只有一萬元的資產可以下注,在 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024... 不斷連輸的情況下,賭徒會在第十三注的時後,出現無力再下第十四注而失敗。但要連輸十三次,機率很小啊,「0.5 的 13 次方,那可是小到不能再小的機率,不會發生的啦!」所以,賭徒們這樣玩,用著一萬元,不斷的滾,有些人玩了好多年,也不見得出什麼事。
當年我想了好久,怎麼樣可以獲利? 坊間找書看,網路上找文章看,反正雜七雜八唸了一堆也不知道有沒有用的東西,最後歸納出十二個字的廢話。要賺錢,那就「低買高賣、高賣低買、賺多賠少」。
練到自己覺得似乎盤中的數字會對自己說話的時後,連續又小小賺了幾個月,打開帳號一看,其實根本沒有賺多少。因為成績的不夠穩定,自己根本不敢滿倉重押。身上現金有一百萬的時後,最多只敢小台押個三五口,有五百萬的時後,最多只敢大台押個四五口,你口數不敢放大,何來大賺可言? 但你口數一放大,萬一出現那個「萬一」怎麼辨? 承受得起嗎??
因自己本身有工作,薪資收入也相當不錯,所以學習金融投資與操作,僅是為了自己的薪水存下來的存款找出路,而並不是真的需要在市場上,靠著殺出一條血路致富,所以那時我認清了自己並不需要為了硬拼大獲利,來硬承受大風險。靠著工作,然後用期權弄出一個每年可以讓自己「賺」個 5%-10% 的工具,搞個二十年,已經符合自己慢慢邁向自由之路的規劃。
現在,我只投資各國的股市大盤指數,用期貨,用 ETF 我都可以接受。基本上,我都是某個市場有大特賣 (如從它的高點殺個三五成),我就敢買來長期放,當然,我都儘量挑每年有些配息的市場,或是突然短期大促銷,短期內殺個 3%-5% 我就會有興趣買來賭個反彈。通常做多的方向我就會死皮賴臉,等到有賺才會出場,因為反正不會等出人命嘛。而且等的時間,有些時後可以用 Sell Call 佔些便宜,沒得賣 OP 的東西,那反正我也都挑年年有息拿的標地。說穿了就是,能很短時間內賺到的我就賺,不能短時間內賺到的,時間拉久了我一樣會賺,只是效率差了些。
要說用一套很有紀律的進出訊號來做交易,我是沒有的。因為我並沒有花那麼多時間收集歷史資料,做回測,找出一些可以參考的訊號。沒這麼做原因主要是偷懶,操作用的都是我休假時間在做的,做太多就沒空休息了,所以雖然構想不少,目前實在不想為這件事再花太多時間,尤其是目前用著兩光的方法,也是加減有賺一些就好了。反正我就日週月的 K 線看一下,覺得「夠便宜」我就敢買。「更便宜」我就多再多買一些,慢慢買到滿水位我就跟他耗,反正時間站在我這邊。耗久了,還是會賺的啦。
很無賴的交易方式,沒有 optimization,而且常常少賺,可是,就三不五時靠支手機亂按一通就有獲利耶,我是覺得目前可以了啦。
作者: sec2100 時間: 2019-10-12 14:31
作者: 半杯水 時間: 2019-10-12 14:59
本帖最後由 半杯水 於 2019-10-12 15:30 編輯
有個薪水還不錯的工作,對於利用交易來理財,其實很好用。若以無腦多台指為例,一年長期平均約 500 點的回收。萬點做多就是大約年回收 5%。薪水並不一定就是受顧於一家公司,就算自己創業也能當自己的薪水,或是如果有本事靠提供服務來獲利,也都當薪水看待。反正,只要是需要依靠勞力付出換來的,我通稱它是薪水。
若能存下一半年薪來投資,就算只用這種 5% 的工具,(不計複利,不計通膨,單純只用數學計算),存 20 年可以創造出財富自由的金流。存超過一半,或能弄到比 5% 更高,自然可以更縮短所需要的時間。所以,有一個不錯的工作可以提供理財所需的金流,是一大優勢。算是排名上的第三名。
市場上做高槓杆,大賺還能活下來的,通常就是台面上聽得到,看得到的一些神人。他們的存在造成了一批又一批的人,願意跟著衝進市場來淘金。認為只要能學到他們會的,自己也能這麼般的翻身。個人是認為這是一種很可怕的念頭。因為,個人有另一種想法就是,不管什麼樣的市場,把一萬個人丟到市場上去交易,就是一定會有某些肯「拼一下」的人拼對了,但因為他成功了,所以他講的話就像是真理一般。但這會不會是一種 survivorship bias 其實是蠻難說的。因為,如果把有著「接近知識程度」的人,丟一萬人到市場交易,應該也是只有少部份會大賺,而不是全部這些人都大賺。當然了,這只是我的猜想,無從證實。
而在絕對的力量下,(像地心引力、時間、能量守恆) 這類的原則下,則所有的人都適用,不會有例外。也因為不會有例外,所以可以 plan for success, 而不再是,hope for success。就這些金融工具來說,找到一些隨著時間流失,就一定可以獲利的方式,並不是太難。缺點就是,賺得很慢。
作者: chinan 時間: 2019-10-12 23:45
本帖最後由 chinan 於 2019-10-12 23:54 編輯
當沖(日內)在股票上,是交易頻率較高, 交易成本是相對較低的,並非交易成本較高.
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