Mindfulness is nothing other than present-moment awareness, an open and friendly willingness to understand what is going on in and around you. It means living in the present moment (which is not the same as thinking about the present moment) without judging or ignoring anything or getting carried away by the pressures of every day life. 作者: sec2100 時間: 2021-7-4 20:03
這樣解釋可能有一點抽象,舉一些例子,你有曾經從A點到B點後,然後對於你如何抵達B點目的地完全沒有一點印象嗎? 因為我們的大腦常常被許多訊息淹沒,像是計畫等一下要幹嘛啦、什麼作業還沒交、工作哪裡還沒做完、晚餐要吃什麼啊…等等之類的東西,而因為我們常常在想這些東西而忽略了對當下的察覺──我現在有哪些情緒?身體的感覺是什麼?週遭環境有那些東西?