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If you want to day trade and win, my advices:
You won't get your own edge without hard work.
Imagine you are looking for a Phd in finance. Many are called, few chosen.
Write your ideas, test them. I repeat : write your ideas, test them.
Don't take things for granted. Why does it work and when ? What did I miss?
It is important to write your ideas, because sometimes you will be close to the answer, you will give up your idea, and 6 months / 1 year later, you understand you were right (or wrong) from a new perspective / angle. You would even forget you wrote these goods (or bad) ideas months ago
It means you need to react accordingly to your own rules.
Same signal to enter / exit, same stops / take profits, same reaction. Be a robot (with a brain). No ego, just do what you have to do.
Day trading is boring and repetitive. You need to increase regularly your stack, don't search for big gains. If you got an edge, probabilities are in your favor. Law of large numbers : the longer you play the same, the more you win.
Good luck by the way! The road is really long but I can confirm there is a light at the end of the tunnel. "Eureka"