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發表於 2018-2-25 10:54:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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https://www.elitetrader.com/et/t ... dit-spreads.318585/

Many many people do things like this another example would be selling vix calls or selling puts that aren't cash secured it works great until one day and it when it doesn't and your account goes into a debit.. so no one with any experience just shorts tail risk arbitraryly

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-2-25 10:57:22 | 只看該作者
With covered calls and syn equivalent short puts, most of the time you eat like a bird and occasionally you sh*t like an elephant. Margin heavily and you have a high prob of blowing out your account. Your broker will miss you.

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-2-25 18:54:27 | 只看該作者

https://www.elitetrader.com/et/t ... dit-spreads.318585/

So I had about 100K in ES and was just cruising along with the normal expectation that it would easily bring in some pennies as always, (about 12K) I've done this same trade many times with CS, and NG, as well as NQ and RTY. I am not new to any of this, I've been picking up pennies in front of the steamroller for quite some time. Sell a strangle, don't sell too much or it will easily move against you etc etc. Keep it 15% OTM. But this time, Feb 5th I got cleaned out.

I was stupid, I had no stop loss, and had not purchased any puts closer to ITM. Again I was stupid, and was going to adjust my trade later, but was traveling and I got liquidated. false security in the low vix market that we have had.

The would haves and could haves all come to light, if I indeed do decide to get back in, and manage to come up with some money somehow someway, I would like to know if any of you guys have a multi year track record with this strategy of Credit Put spread Bull put Spread (same thing) of ES, SPX, etc. with a stop loss of course for added protection.. I figure half of something is a whole lot better than nothing. I know selling options is dangerous, and as I type this I'm closing my office and running my small business form home and have a lot of financial problems, but I am a trader at heart, and truly believe that there is a long term way to make this trade consistently work.

I guess the real question is: If you are going to sell naked puts, what is the absolute safest way? I personally think that Bull Put Spreads seem to be the best way to go, with a stop loss to prevent risk of ruin. (turtles anyone?)

Should I give up? No. but God I'm having a hard time here with this.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-2-25 18:56:57 | 只看該作者
The marriage to your strategy has already caused the effects of a sudden and harsh divorce.

May you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and wisely choose a different partner to dance with.

There are plenty of fish in the sea.

The previous one you should just let go of and not try to make it something that it is not.

A steamroller is a steamroller and will always be a steamroller no matter what shade of lipstick.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-2-25 18:57:41 | 只看該作者
Dude, vega. You should not be selling options until you know all the inputs which drive the pricing of an option. You were selling tail risk puts with VIX at like 10-11. It went to 50.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-2-25 19:00:18 | 只看該作者
sold naked option efore.

It was very painful experience.

selling naked option is inherently terrible due to its terrible risk reward ratio.

I will never do such thing anymore.


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 樓主| 發表於 2018-2-28 22:35:26 | 只看該作者
People create their own cruxes by attaching the integrity of their being to the results of their trading, to the point where the results possess the actions of the trader, within trading and in their daily life.

Trading is a tool, you cannot let it possess you. Traders, or entrepreneurs generally follow extremely strict rituals outside of their endeavors to build the necessary structure in their life to allow for the potential chaos of their risky endeavors. The success or failure of a trader is derived more from the inconsistencies of the trader, than the inconsistencies of the market.

You can self talk yourself as much as you want, read mantras and affirmations, however the subconscious will always be there, prodding the back of your neck, the integrity of your rational thought.

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." - Carl Jung
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-2-28 22:39:07 | 只看該作者
Basically selling naked options is like driving through red lights at nights. Most of the time, the roads would be clear and quite enough and you can drive through them no problem. But when you do it too often, eventually on one of those nights, you are going to crash into a car who's speeding down the street on the green light thinking it's the middle of the night.

So just like you need to find the quietest street possible with the least amount of traffic for you to do red-light drive-thru at night, for options, you need to find as far as out of money as you can of the Strike price with as high as the Option premiums and sell them in as large as the quantity as your margin allows. And do it ONE direction only, NO Strangles. It's called Strangles for a reason: It's because you REALLY get strangled and you die.

You basically have to get lucky to find those options with premiums that overcompensate for its future risk. That's when you make money. But once in a while, you are going to get creamed; you need to be prepared for that especially in this day and age where the volatility is so high. And I agree with one of the commentator. SL just like braking in the middle of the road would NOT help you. Hopefully you have made enough money that it would cover the occasional losses; that's the key.
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