Optionshare 選擇幫

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發表於 2019-9-15 21:08:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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Someone here on ET (@drcha ) gave me this advice back in 2014 which completely changed my fortune, i am going to give you the same advice: If you are new to options, try trade longer expiration options, short duration (intra day or a few days) has too much noise and volatility, unless you are very experienced you will get burn.

Another comment: You mention risk management, since options are leverage instruments, never risk all of your tradable funds. I seldom commit more than 20% of trading capital to trading options. Also, options themselves are limited risk instruments (buy or write-covered, or spreads... unless you use margin or trade naked), selection is key, risk is already bounded.


註: ET就是elitetrader.com,該網站是我常常上的網站,這個網站對於選擇權交易常常有不錯的討論串會出現。


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