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發表於 2017-5-24 10:56:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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In my experience:

Options trading is roughly 10 times more difficult than trading stocks.

The depth of knowledge and experienced required to do it properly is enormous to do well. This eliminates many retail traders who want the easy way out. (Buy at the green arrow, sell at the red.)

Options are a vehicle so the statement "edge in trading options" is a bit nonsensical. One can trade an edge in options. One can know more about options than 99% of traders and thus gain some edge etc. Reading 5 books on options, or taking a course, and then gunning the option market makers is just silly. You answered your own question in comment number one.

Many retail traders overtrade their account balances and choose options because they don't have money. I heard of one retail guy who bought 2200 straight call options based on a news article, closed his eyes, and won big. Assuming that was true, is he a successful options trader?

Options are almost always fairly priced. Knowing when they are not is an art and of course  can lead to an edge but you need good capitalization behind your edge. Your question makes no sense to me.

Most retail traders are looking for an edge. There is no edge in a tool, generally speaking, and retail traders wouldn't be able to use it. Those with multi-billion accounts could use it. Better to piss into the ocean in my view.

One more thing. If you think when I place my option trade, I KNOW anything, then you need to go back to school. If any trading entity (market makers included) could trade 100% right, then you would already know their name. They would have all the money in the game within a year. Trading is about probabilities, not certainty. If you can't deal with that, then you are playing in the wrong game and you will get hurt.

Hopefully that helps you out.                                         

Oct 19, 2011 (當時的時空,交易選擇權真的很難,波動很大,但相對的權利金也很高)

來源: StarDust9182@elitetrader.com


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