美選的車輪策略(csp or cc)
option wheel stratey
What is the Option Wheel Strategy? The Wheel Strategy is a popular options-trading strategy that offers traders the opportunity to generate steady income by profiting on selling options on assets that traders are bullish on. The key lies in the two techniques it combines: selling cash-secured puts and covered calls.
假設你有12萬美金,可以每周賣10口的120的輝達的Put(目前股價130元左右),如果被穿,則你將持有現股1000股,此時開始做Covered Call,例如賣130的Call 10口。如果Call被穿,你將賺錢,但又要開始賣Put,生生不息。這策略要賺錢取決於 1) 選股很重要, 選錯股這種策略一樣賠錢 2)不低的隱含波動率。以這個角度來看,輝達算是適合,也許intel也適合,也許tsm也適合,或tsla,或pdd,或其他。總之,適當的風險分散還是重要,不宜重押一檔,也不能太多檔,三到五檔最適合。