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本帖最後由 sec2100 於 2017-4-4 21:18 編輯

資料來源: elitetrader.com (2002)

We exist. My trading, in several different capacities, has been my sole source of income for about 14 years. (Excluding a period of time when I was unable to trade for personal reasons....during which I still observed and stayed informed as to the market activity on an almost daily basis).

As others here say, it is not easy. It takes time and the ability to understand that it is a career. A combined experience of highs and lows. The real satisfaction of a career comes from a progressive attitude to learn, work harder and achieve results. The time spent learning and improving, including the struggles, should be rewarding in itself. If not, then this is not a suitable profession for you.

Putting in the proper work can enable you to make enormous amounts of money. Working at trading means analyzing your trades, recognizing your strengths and correcting your weaknesses. It means being vigilant for what is working currently in each market environment you encounter.

Looking for things that negatively impact your trading is very important. Recognizing them lets you remedy them.

Traders incomes can be erratic so it is important to save during the good times to more comfortably get through the bad times. And there will be times that are either downright bad, or less than what you would require if you were to live hand to mouth. Either way, you need to retain a cushion, because hand to mouth doesn't work in this profession. Or any other in which your income is erratic, which is to say, essentially, any business or non-salaried job.

Overall it is a career with great freedom  and hours. It should be done by those that find it enjoyable. If it is too stressful, then again, it is not for you.

If you trade with discipline and learn from your mistakes and successes, it can be one of the most financially rewarding endeavors anywhere.

Notice the repetition of the words "career" and "profession". You will find them constantly in the posts of those of us that have traded as our means of support. It is not a hobby or a lark. As the words imply, it requires effort and dedication. And sometimes heartache.

By the way, I have a mortgage, a wife, two kids in college, one more yet to go in another year. I have car payments, have to pay all the usual bills, and  taxes. I do not have >$10 million like the gentleman who posted just prior to me, but I have managed to live a comfortable lifestyle and enjoy my working time almost as much as my leisure time. That quality of life has a value I can't put a dollar  amount on.

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