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書摘: 塔雷伯給賣方的話

發表於 2018-11-24 11:43:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 sec2100 於 2018-11-24 11:44 編輯

I will use statistics and inductivemethods to make aggressive bets, but I will not use them to manage my risks and exposure.
Surprisingly, all  the surviving traders I know seem to have done the same.

They trade on ideas based on someobservation...they make sure that the costs of being wrong are limited…

They know before getting involved inthe trading strategy which events would prove their conjecture wrong and allowfor it….They would then terminate their trade. This is called a stoploss, a predetermined exit point, a protection from the black swan. Ifind it rarely practiced.

Source: page 130-131,fooled by randomness, Taleb


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