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successful trading is boring

發表於 2017-4-22 18:22:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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.....I was listening to the radio this evening and a young woman was explaining how they were coming back from an outdoor festival and how fun it was due to the 'new experiences'.
That got me thinking, young people get up to all sorts of antics in life in order to gain experience.  When one gets older, for many this desire for new experiences wears off.

Then I reflected on my earlier trading life and cannot forget the many scores of equity trades I did, lost patience, lost money then after a short while had passed I would see these stocks had made great gains, but I had missed out, missed out because I had moved onto the next 'new thing' stock.

New young traders will possibly be making the same mistakes, impatient, not focused, easily distracted, jumping from one trading adventure to the next.

Many a times you may have heard this, "succesful trading is boring".
It's like going to work, it can be a grind, but usually progress is made by persevering though the grind, year by year building experience and the bank account.
Jumping from here to there, continually going back to the bottom of the ladder to start a new idea is not always smart, there's an enormous amount of competition when you are at the bottom of the ladder.

So why do traders fail? Often young, impatient, not grounded, distracted, too disorganised, too many fingers in too many pies, jumping here and there.  That's youth.
It gets better as you get older, more experience and not chasing every rainbow.
That's life......


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