
樓主 |
發表於 2020-11-29 22:41:20
本帖最後由 sec2100 於 2020-11-30 11:00 編輯
1. when you start feeling invincible, get very, very scared
2. you have to grow into trading large amounts of capital
3. live trading is not the same as back testing
4. be consistent, but don't be foolishly consistent
5. the decision that makes you feel better almost always hurt you
6. successful traders know how to control their losses
7. have a diversification of strategies in time,volatility, price (這裡應該指的是股價的漲跌對個別選擇權的影響,主要體現在Delta), time指的是在不同到期日分散,好處是不會受到Vega和gamma風險的同一衝擊,volatility應該意謂著要同時考慮波動率及Vega對不同遠近選擇權的影響程度不同)
8. keep it simple
9. practice patience
10. the market can do whatever the hell it wants to do whenever the hell it wants to.