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 樓主| 發表於 2025-1-28 23:41:58 | 顯示全部樓層
A team of strategists at Goldman Sachs Group
has said it expects leading U.S. tech giants and other companies will spend about $1 trillion on AI over the next year. Sequoia’s David Cahn forecast in a blog post published in July that the gap between AI spending and revenues would reach $600 billion by the fourth quarter of 2024.
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 樓主| 發表於 2025-1-28 23:42:39 | 顯示全部樓層
David Siegel, a co-founder of the big Wall Street quant shop Two Sigma Investments, had previously co-founded a tech startup, Blink.com Inc. before heading into quantitative trading. Both Siegel and his Two Sigma co-founder, John Overdeck, worked at D.E. Shaw & Co. before founding their own firm. Overdeck also served a brief stint as a vice president in the early days of Amazon.com.

Even David E. Shaw, the founder of D.E. Shaw & Co., handed off management of his eponymous hedge-fund firm to launch D.E. Shaw Research, which uses supercomputers to aid in drug research.

Robert Mercer and Peter Brown, of legendary Long Island-based quant fund Renaissance Technology, had previously worked at an IBM Research Lab.

Mark Gorton, who helped found early algorithmic trading firm Tower Research Capital, went on to create the peer-to-peer file-sharing service LimeWire.
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